


Fiorella Baldisserri, classical studies and an interest in art in all its forms, is a photographer from Bologna who loves traveling both by profession and by passion.

The professional approach to photography took place in 2016 by attending several courses of study of the image and history of photography. She then attended to the Photojournalism Masterclass in Rome Currently Fiorella feels very close to reportage as a photographic genre, which allows her to observe people, enter stories and tell them through images, investigating herself.

The project developed during Covid-19, entitled “In their eyes” on the 118 Bologna Health Emergency was chosen and published by CORTONA ON THE MOVE Covid 19.

Fiorella has seen some shots published by national and international newspapers both in print and online. Photovogue, Corriere, Elle, Erodoto108, SDN, ND, MCmagazine, Witness Journal, Eye of Photography, Il Fotografo, Litterarie, Il resto del Carlino, Il Milanese, Stern, L’Inkiesta, Eltern.


2017 Bologna Cappella Chilini Design Week , Church
2019 Olbia Archaeological Museum Drops in New York
2021 Rome Photography Palazzo Merulana Morris il Cinemaio
2022 Rome Trastevere Piazza Santa Maria in Trastevere Movie Morris il Cinemaio
2021 Sofia ( B) Socialist Museum Morris Il Cinemaio
2021 Fotografia Etica – Spazio Freedom, Morris il cinemaio
2022 Roma Galleria Bresciani Visual Art Cracking the Monolith
2022 Rome Furio Camillo Theater A-Round Stage
2022 Trieste Gallery Umberto Verde WOW World of Women Cracking the Monolith
2022 Bologna Qr Gallery Closer inside the Reportage Cracking the Monolith
2022 Barcelona Fotonostrum Gallery Cracking the Monolith
2022 Lodi Ethical Photography Off A-Round Stage
2022 Cinisi Ex Casa Badalamenti Contest G. Orlando Peppino Impastato
2024 Fotografia Etica, Single Shot Research is the future
2024 Kolga Tbilisii. Scripta Manent
2024 Tokyo. Marunouchi Photo Gallery and Art Space. A-Round Stage


2017 Cathedral of Light Church
2020 ERODOTO 108 | Magazine on line | Hang in New York
2021 Catalogo Kolga Morris il Cinemaio
2021 ELLE | Magazine | October | Morris il cinemaio
2021 CORRIERE DI BOLOGNA | 22 Sectember | Cultura e spettacolo | Morris il cinemaio
2021 SDN | Magazine on Line | A-Round Stage
2021 NPC MAGAZINE | Magazine on line | 8 May | Morris il cinemaio
2021 ERODOTO 108 | Magazine | 31 July | Morris il cinemaio
2021 WITNESS JOURNAL | May 2021 | WJ#121 | Morris il cinemaio
2021 THE EYE OF PHOTOGRAPHY | Magazine | Portfolio | April | Morris il cinemaio
2022 Wow World of Women Cracking the Monolith
2022 CATALOGO KOLGA | 3 foto singole e 2 progetti: Cracking the Monolith e A-Round Stage
2024 LINKIESTA#88  | Riti e Ritmi
2024 NOC SENSE | Scripa Manent
2024 SEEDS OF FLORENCE | Urban Mining
2024 IL FOTOGRAFO | Cracking The Monolith
2024 ELTERN | A Family Cinema


2019 SDN | Magazine on Line | 118 Red Code  – Coi loro occhi
2019 FESTIVAL DELLA FOTOGRAFIA POPOLARE | Exibition at Museo archeologico di Olbia | Drops in New York
2020 CORTONA ON THE MOVE | Covid Visual Project 19 | Coi Loro occhi
2020 WITNESS JOURNAL | October | WJ#118| 118 Red Code
2020 LENS CULTURE ART PHOTOGRAPHY AWARDS | Selected | Drops in New York
2021 17TH JULIA MARGARET CAMERON AWARD FOR WOMEN PHOTOGRAPHERS Honorable Mention | Documentary Series | Cracking the Monolith
2021 PHODAR BIENNALE | Finalist and exibition al Museo di storia Socialista | Morris il cinemaio
2021 ITALY PHOTO AWARD | Finalist | Italian Collection | Morris il cinemaio
2021 TIFA | Gold | Editorial General News | Morris il cinemaio
2021 ASA PROJECT | Storie di resistenza | Third place | Open call | Morris il cinemaio
2021 KOLGA TIBLISI | Short List | Reportage | Morris il cinemaio
2021 MIFA | Silver | Editorial General News | Morris il cinemaio
2021 ROMA FOTOGRAFIA – CALL FREEDOM | Winner | Videomostra | Palazzo Merulana | Morris il cinemaio
2021 ND | Onorable Mention | Editorial General News | A-Round Stage
2021 MUSA FOTOGRAFIA PER LE DONNE FOTOGRAFE | Winner | Morris il cinemaio
2021 IPA | 1st place winner | Contemporary Issues | Morris il cinemaio
2021 Ethical Photography I Shortlists Morris il Cinemaio
2022 PX3 I Special Other Bronze A- Round stage
2022 Tokyo International Photo Award I Gold WinnerI Events A-Round Stage
2022 Tokyo International Photo Award I 2 Place Other I A-Round Stage
2022 ND Award I Honorable Mention I The Milk Road
2022 ND Award I Honorable Mention I Cracking the Monolith
2022 ND Award I Honorable Mention I A-Round Stage
2022 Refocus Winner One Shot Contest I Over the top
2022 Closer Inside the Winner Cracking The Monolith reportage
2022 Contest G.Orlando Premio Peppino Impastato Photo selected among the 10 winners
2023 Annual Photography Award I Honorable Mention I People-Documentary I A-Round Stage
2023 Annual Photography Award I Honorable Mention I People-Culture & Lifestyle I Cracking the Monolith
2023 21 Julia Margaret Cameron Award Honorable mention Category documentary Professional
2023 ND Award Documentary Series Honorable Mention 80 east end Road
2023 ND Award Environmental Series Honorable Mention De Terra ad Terram
2023 ND Award People Travel Series Honorable Mention Nile river Nile
2023 Annual Photography Award Honorable Mention People Cultire Cracking The Monolith
2023 Kolga Tbilisi Photo Contest Shortlist Reportage 80 East End Road
2023 IPA Where the land meets the sea The Pearl of the Delta. Official Selection and Honorable Mention
2023 BIFA Honorable Mention When the Sahdow is My mask
2023 PX3 Silver MIlk Road / Honorable Mention De Terra ad Terram / Honorable Mention 80 East End road
2023 BIFA GOLD MEDAL | Editorial eveiromental | “The milk road”
2023 ANNUAL PHOTOGRAPHY AWARDS | “Nature: Hummans impact & conservation urban mining” | 2nd place winners
2023 ANNUAL PHOTO AWARD | “People: culture & lifestile cinema du desert” | 2nd place winners
2024 BELFAST PHOTO FESTIVAL | shortlist “A Family Cinema”


Fiorella Baldisserri, studi classici e interessi per l’arte in ogni sua forma, è una fotografa di Bologna amante dei viaggi sia per mestiere che per passione.

L’approccio professionale alla fotografia avviene nel 2016 frequentando diversi corsi di studio dell’immagine e della storia della fotografia. Ha di seguito approfondito con la Masterclass di fotogiornalismo a Roma.

Attualmente Fiorella sente molto vicino il reportage come genere fotografico, che le permette di osservare le persone, entrare nelle storie e raccontarle attraverso le immagini anche attraverso l’indagine di sé.

Il progetto sviluppato durante la Covid-19, intitolato “Coi loro occhi” sul 118 Bologna Emergenza Sanitaria è stato scelto e pubblicato da CORTONA ON THE MOVE Covid 19.

Fiorella ha visto alcuni scatti pubblicati da testate giornalistiche nazionali ed internazionali sia cartacee che on line: Photovogue, il Corriere, Elle, Erodoto108, SDN, ND, MCmagazine, Witness Journal, Eye of Photography, Edge of Humanity, Il Fotografo, Litterarie, Il resto del Carlino, Il Milanese, Stern, L’Inkiesta, Eltern.


2017 Bologna Cappella Chilini  Design Week , Church
2019 Olbia Museo Archeologico Drops in New York
2021 Roma Fotografia Palazzo Merulana Morris il Cinemaio
2022 Roma Trastevere Piazza Santa Maria in Trastevere Video Morris il Cinemaio
2021 Sofia (B) Museo Socialista Morris il Cinemaio
2021 Fotografia Etica – Spazio Freedom, Morris il cinemaio
2022 Roma  Galleria Bresciani Visual Art Cracking the Monolith
2022 Roma Teatro Furio Camillo A-Round Stage
2022 Trieste  sala Umberto Verde WOW World of Women Cracking the Monolith
2022 Bologna Qr Gallery Closer dentro il Reportage Cracking the Monolith
2022 Barcellona Fotonostrum Gallery Cracking the Monolith
2022 Lodi Fotografia Etica Off A-Round Stage
2022 Cinisi Ex Casa Badalamenti Contest G. Orlando Peppino Impastato
2024 Fotografia Etica, Single Shot Research is the future
2024 Kolga Tbilisii. Scripta Manent
2024 Tokyo. Marunouchi Photo Gallery and Art Space. A-Round Stage


2017 Cathedral of Light Church
2020 ERODOTO 108 | Magazine on line | Hang in New York
2021 Catalogo Kolga Morris il Cinemaio
2021 ELLE | Magazine | Ottobre | Morris il cinemaio
2021 CORRIERE DI BOLOGNA | 22 Settembre | Cultura e spettacolo | Morris il cinemaio
2021 SDN | Magazine on Line | A-Round Stage
2021 NPC MAGAZINE | Magazine on line | 8 Maggio | Morris il cinemaio
2021 ERODOTO 108 | Magazine | 31 luglio | Morris il cinemaio
2021 WITNESS JOURNAL | Maggio 2021 | WJ#121 | Morris il cinemaio
2021 THE EYE OF PHOTOGRAPHY | Magazine | Portfolio | Aprile | Morris il cinemaio
2022 Wow World of Women Cracking the Monolith
2022 CATALOGO KOLGA | 3 foto singole e 2 progetti: Cracking the Monolith e A-Round Stage
2024 LINKIESTA#88  | Riti e Ritmi
2024 NOC SENSE | Scripa Manent
2024 SEEDS OF FLORENCE | Urban Mining
2024 IL FOTOGRAFO | Cracking The Monolith
2024 ELTERN | A Family Cinema


2017 BOLOGNA DESIGN WEEK | Finalista
2019 SDN | Magazine on Line | 118 Red Code  – Coi loro occhi
2019 FESTIVAL DELLA FOTOGRAFIA POPOLARE | Mostra Museo archeologico di Olbia | Drops in New York
2020 CORTONA ON THE MOVE | Covid Visual Project 19 | Coi Loro occhi
2020 WITNESS JOURNAL | Ottobre | WJ#118| 118 Red Code
2020 LENS CULTURE ART PHOTOGRAPHY AWARDS | Selezione | Drops in New York
2021 17TH JULIA MARGARET CAMERON AWARD FOR WOMEN PHOTOGRAPHERS Honorable Mention | Documentary Series | Cracking the Monolith
2021 PHODAR BIENNALE | Finalista e mostra al Museo di storia Socialista | Morris il cinemaio
2021 ITALY PHOTO AWARD | Finalista | Italian Collection | Morris il cinemaio
2021 TIFA | Vincitrice | Editorial General News | Morris il cinemaio
2021 ASA PROJECT | Storie di resistenza | Terzo posto | Morris il cinemaio
2021 KOLGA TIBLISI | Selezione | Reportage | Morris il cinemaio
2021 MIFA | Argento | Editorial General News | Morris il cinemaio
2021 ROMA FOTOGRAFIA – CALL FREEDOM | Vincitirice | Videomostra | Palazzo Merulana | Morris il cinemaio
2021 ND | Onorable Mention | Editorial General News | A-Round Stage
2021 MUSA FOTOGRAFIA PER LE DONNE FOTOGRAFE | Winner | Morris il cinemaio
2021 IPA | Vincitrice | Contemporary Issues | Morris il cinemaio
2021 Fotografia Etica I Shortlist Morris il Cinemaio
2022 PX3 I Special Other Bronze A- Round stage
2022 Tokyo International Photo Award I Gold WinnerI Events  A-Round Stage
2022 Tokyo International Photo Award I 2 Place Other I  A-Round Stage
2022 ND Award I Honorable Mention I The Milk Road
2022 ND Award I Honorable Mention I Cracking the Monolith
2022 ND Award I Honorable Mention I A-Round Stage
2022 Refocus Winner One Shot Contest I Over the top
2022 Contest G.Orlando Premio Peppino Impastato Foto selezionata fra le 10 vincitrici
2023 Annual Photography Award  I Honorable  Mention I People-Documentary  I A-Round Stage
2023 Annual Photography Award  I Honorable  Mention I People-Culture & Lifestyle I Cracking the Monolith
2023 21 Julia Margaret Cameron Award Honorable mention Category documentary Professional
2023 ND Award Documentary Series Honorable Mention 80 east end Road
2023 ND Award Environmental Series Honorable Mention De Terra ad Terram
2023 ND Award People Travel Series Honorable Mention Nile river Nile
2023 Annual Photography Award Honorable Mention People Cultire Cracking The Monolith
2023 Kolga Tbilisi Photo Contest Shortlist Reportage 80 East End Road
2023 IPA Where the land meets the sea The Pearl of the Delta. Official Selection and Honorable Mention
2023 BIFA Honorable Mention When the Sahdow is My mask
2023 PX3 Silver MIlk Road / Honorable Mention De Terra ad Terram / Honorable Mention 80 East End road
2023 BIFA GOLD MEDAL | Editorial eveiromental | “The milk road”
2023 ANNUAL PHOTOGRAPHY AWARDS | “Nature: Hummans impact & conservation urban mining” | 2nd place winners
2023 ANNUAL PHOTO AWARD | “People: culture & lifestile cinema du desert” | 2nd place winners
2024 BELFAST PHOTO FESTIVAL | shortlist “A Family Cinema”